Whats new in TimePanic 4.5 for Windows?

TimePanic 4.5 for Windows improves the report view to make its use more consistent.

Please note that the new TimePanic version stores its report definitions (the items listed on the left hand side in the report view) in a format that is incompatible with previous TimePanic versions. In other words, once you have started the new version and used at least one report, you cannot uninstall TimePanic and reinstall a previous version. Also, you cannot share your report definitions with other users who continue to use a version of TimePanic earlier than version 4.5.

Major improvements
  • There are now more ways to group a report. For example:
    • It is now possible to group a report by projects on the first level and by work type on the second level (customer request).
    • It is now possible to group a report by users (customer request).
    • It is now possible to group a report by weeks (customer request).
  • The data view now has features previously only available in print view:
    • It can display statistical information, at the bottom of the page.
    • It can display more than one level of data. (In previous versions, the data view resorted to plain text to display more than one level of data. This workaround has been removed.)
Minor improvements
  • Further columns are available in the report view, for example, when grouping by days:
    • Overtime for single user reports (customer request),
    • Billable hours.
  • Sorting in report view:
    • Small arrows indicate the sorting direction.
    • Sorting a report can now be reverted: The third click on the same column header turns sorting off again.
    • Reports can be sorted by multiple columns (using the shift key).
  • Statistical information in reports:
    • The order of the selected items can now be changed by drag & drop.
Changed features
  • The three tabs Data Source, Structure and Data of the report wizard have been combined in the new Data tab.
  • The two tabs Options and View of the report wizard have been combined in the new Options tab.
Bug fixes
  • Marking a day with zero planned working hours (not a Saturday or Sunday) as a partial day off (annual leave, sick leave, ...), specified in minutes, would crash TimePanic (customer request).
  • Copying favorites by means of drag & drop in combination with the Ctrl key did not work properly (customer request).
  • The advanced option Late rounding in status bar did not work in the report view. This has been fixed by introducing a second such option that only applies to the report view.
  • In the USB drive version of TimePanic, work type images were saved with an absolute path.
  • When a previous day is open in the day view, the regular intervals reminder displays the wrong current activity (customer request).
Dropped Features
  • Windows 2000 is no longer supported.
  • The report columns "Activity Number" and "Activity group number" have been removed.

Build 750 brings the following bug fixes and new functions:

  • New: Favorite reports can be sorted (customer request).
  • Fixed: The internal ids of report descriptors were not always unique.
  • Fixed: In the report view, the status bar displayed incorrect sums in case of multiple levels, arranged as a flat list (customer request).

Build 751 brings the following bug fix:

  • Fixed: Error in calculating hourly rates in certain cases (customer request).

Build 755 brings the following bug fixes:

  • Fixed: Sorting in data view is lost when switching to print view (customer request).
  • Fixed: Day comments are incorrectly processed in reports (customer request).
  • Fixed: A rounding problem can lead to very small differences when processing hourly rates (customer request). For example, 1 hour of work at an hourly rate of $ 50.01 incorrectly evaluates to $ 50.00.
  • Fixed: If automatic time adjustment is off, activities created on previous days can have the wrong date internally if the current day does not contain any activities yet (customer request).


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TimePanic 4.5 for Windows

Time tracking software - keep track of time with TimePanic!